Theater of the mind

This is one of the most lucid dreams I have had in quite some time. I could easily reenter the dream and try to figure the mystery of it out over and over again.

The dream take place in the theater which is actually the theater of the mind. It takes place in a dark downtown of what I believe was a reconstruction of old Los Angeles. The theater was at the top of a very ornate building maybe twenty five stories high. I am relating as I write this that it the placement of the theater might represent where the brain is positioned on the body. My body.

I was going to see a film that was purported to be an immersion experience, unique to each person who buys a ticket and walks through the doors. The star of the movie Christina Aguilera I feel is of no consequence other than a vehicle to get things going.

I was seeing this film alone as I usually do and marveled at the decor of the buildings interior. I was guided to an old world concession stand where I purchased a ticket. I took my ticket and handed it to a woman who had a bowl of white, round, candies. She said, " take one and put it in your mouth". I took the soft, hard and round candy, it's texture reminded me of a Tic Tac. I placed it on my tongue and was led through 2 wide theater doors and guided down an isle. Immediately the candy began to take effect and I was actually walking down the aisle with the stars of the film. The light was fuzzy and fantastic, all the colors were slowly becoming more and more saturated, I reached out to touch the leg of one of the stars and she was real. I was in the movie.

It became clear to me that this was an adaptive experience designed to be a mystery to each viewer. Any idea that came to mind the movie would seamlessly adapt to my thoughts. I knew this was a dream experience. It was actually a dream within a dream that had no real story other than to let you take yourself where you wanted to go but was infused with a theme or overtone of a mystery. the mystery adapted to my thoughts and it all took place in this building which I now believe represents me.

This dream was telling me that I have an incredible ability for creativity and was showing me that the precision of detail that I could see was all conjured by me. Pay attention to it. I had a lot of fun with this and took turns and built thoughts that would take me to experiences that were fantastical and sweeping in scope.

I recall taking a detour to a very high and ornate balcony to see the city below. I leaned way over without a sense of vertigo and found two sconces that had confetti in them and new years party favors. I was scorned very little by the management for my going out of bounds and I reached way down and grabbed two big hands full of red shiny confetti. It was rectangular and long and made of plastic. I threw it to the world below. People looked up and waved and cheered, cars flicked their lights on and off and honked their horns as they zipped along the old world streets. There was a cathedral across the street and I could see metal creatures, carved in intricate detail buzzing along and entering the Church. I recall taking a moment to say, "Remember this, this is amazing".

The mystery of the film continued to morph and meld with my thoughts and I realized it was sucking me in, not allowing me to see that I was being manipulated. I made a strong effort to pull out of the trance and found myself wandering through gaudy carpeted hallways lined with thick red velvety curtains. I could see a few other people who had bought tickets were also wandering these halls but in a world of their own. In a trance unaware of their surroundings. I wanted to know how this was being done and that there became a sinister feeling that we were all being tested or experimented on. That this experiment on controlling human behavior was all wrapped in an innocent theater experience. This was big brother attempting to get the handle on mind control and flocking the masses of humanity. I began to look behind curtains to see who the wizard was trying to find out why this was being done and who was behind it all.

I came to the exit and as I left the theater I was given a drink, which upon touching to my tongue removed me from the experience, colors desaturated and the magical feeling was replaced by the dim lights of the halls. It was similar to the fun house experience at carnivals. I was encouraged to reenter the theater if I wished but I had to buy another ticket. I sneaked back in and began to wander around realizing that I could do anything I wanted, create any situation I desired if i just concentrated hard enough or wanted it enough.

I tested out many ideas and feelings, including lust, discovery and adventure through the night.

To dream requires no ticket only the innocence of sleep and a clear healthy mind. The adventure continues.


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